David Kuczer MD

David Kuczer MD | Speciality stereotactic precision irradiation
Dear reader!
Welcome to my doctor´s office.
As an radiation oncologist, I offer you my many years of experience in the diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of your cancer.
Good medical care can only be based on a trusting relationship between the person affected and the person treating them. In order to guarantee this to my patients, it is especially important to me to take sufficient time for your concerns, complaints and questions. In my practice, which I run in addition to my work as a senior physician in the hospital, I have the opportunity to help you in a relaxed atmosphere and to treat you in the best possible way and without time pressure.
Due to the current situation, we offer the possibility of a medical consultation by telephone. Prescriptions and referrals can be sent.
For a direct consultation in the office, of course, a number of measures have been taken for your safety.
If you are interested in the testimonials of my patients, you can find them here: Testimonials
Professional focus
- Second opinion by a specialist on your diagnosis, or initiation of diagnostic clarifications
- Explaining of your diagnostic images and findings
- Outpatient or inpatient treatment of your cancer using the latest radiooncological methods (stereotaxy, VMAT, TTF for glioblastoma) at the Vienna Private Clinic or in cooperation with a renowned specialized institute (e.g.: Amethyst Radiotherapy Vienna Private Clinic, Cyberknife, Proton Therapy, Seed Brachytherapy for prostate cancer, Optune TTF…).
My expertise includes in particular the application of highly precise special techniques in the irradiation of malignant and benign tumors. The aim of the high precision is the effective treatment of the tumor disease with maximum sparing of healthy organs at the same time.
The main aim is to destroy the tumor and to preserve the quality of life after the treatment of cancer at the same time.
Stereotactic irradiation (SBRT) should be mentioned in particular. This is used by me for:
- Small tumors of the lung (< 5cm)
- 1-5 bone metastases
- Lymph nodes in the abdomen or pelvic area
- Adrenal metastases
- 1-3 Liver metastases
- Re-irradiation of PET positive recurrences in prostate carcinoma
- Uveal melanoma to avoid enucleation of the eye
- Brain metastases., Meningeom, Acoustic neuroma
The most common tumor types I treat include:
- Malignant tumors: prostate cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, tumors of the brain, metastases in bones, lungs, brain or liver.
- Benign tumors: meningioma, acustic neuroma
Treatment information
Amethyst Radiotherapy Vienna
We offer treatment for international patients at the Amethyst Radiotherapy Center located within the Wiener Privatklinik (Vienna Private Clinic).
Tel. +43-1-4027757
Pelikangasse 15; 1090 Vienna
Curriculum vitae
Medical Advisory Board Member Amthyst Radiotherapy Center
Medical Expert Panel Member Novocure Optune
Medical Panel Member M3 Global Research
Head of the team for Neuro-Oncology and precision techniques on LK Wiener Neustadt, interdisciplinary Department of Radiation Oncology
Since 2012
Director, Oncology Practice Vienna -„Praxis Margareten“
2008- 2012
Lecturer, University of applied sciences Wr. Neustadt, Master course Med-Tech for Proton therapy Cancer Center MedAustron
Since 2007
Senior Consultant, LKH Wr. Neustadt, Clinic for Radiation-Oncology
Specialist registrar, Clinic for Radiation Oncology, University Clinic Charité, Berlin
2001 – 2007
Research fellow, Clinic for Radiation Oncology University Clinic Charité, Berlin
2000 – 2001
Registrar, Dept. for Internal Medicine, Municipal hospital Schwabmünchen
Promotion to Doctor of Medicine, University Vienna
Publications and Scientific Contributions
Kuczer D., Gastrointestinal Malignancies, Recent Advances in Photon Therapy and Possible Role of Ion Beam Therapy clinical white book of the EBG MedAustron Proton Beam Cancer Center 2012 for the Ministry of Health
Kuczer D., chapter „pain treatment with radiotherapy“, 2013 teaching book „anästhesiebuch.at“ (anaesthesia teaching book for medical doctors), 4th edition, print and online
Kuczer D, Feussner A, Wurm R, Wust P, Michel R, Denecke T, Amthauer H, Felix R, Plotkin M. 123I-IMT SPECT for evaluation the response to radiation therapy in high grade gliomas: a feasibility study.Br J Radiol. 2006 Nov 22;
Wurm RE, Kuczer DA, Schlenger L, Matnjani G, Scheffler D, Cosgrove VP, Ahlswede J, Woiciechowsky C, Budach V.Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy combined with topotecan in recurrent malignant glioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006 Nov 15;66(4 Suppl):S26-32.
Boehmer D, Kuczer D, Badakhshi H, Stiefel S, Kuschke W, Wernecke KD, Budach V., Influence of Organ at Risk Definition on Rectal Dose-Volume Histograms in Patients with Prostate Cancer Undergoing External-Beam Radiotherapy Strahlenther Onkol..2006 May;182(5):277-282
Plotkin M, Wurm R, Kuczer D, Wust P, Michel R, Denecke T, Ruf J, Schlenger L, Bischoff A, Felix R, Amthauer H.Diagnostic value of 123I-IMT SPECT in the follow-up of head and neck cancer.Onkologie. 2006 Apr;29(4):147-52. Epub 2006 Mar 29.
Amthauer H, Wurm R, Kuczer D, Ruf J, Michel R, Eisenacher J, Stockhammer F, Denecke T, Felix R, Plotkin M. Relevance of image fusion with MRI for the interpretation of I-123 iodo-methyl-tyrosine scans in patients with suspected recurrent or residual brain tumor. Clin Nucl Med. 2006 Apr;31(4):189-92.
Plotkin M, Wurm R, Eisenacher J, Szerewicz K, Michel R, Schlenger L, Pech M, Denecke T, Kuczer D, Bischoff A, Felix R, Amthauer H. Combined SPECT/CT imaging using 123I-IMT in the detection of recurrent or persistent head and neck cancer. Eur Radiol. 2006 Feb;16(2):503-11. Epub 2005 Jun 28.
Conducted studies at University Clinic Charité Berlin
Hyperfraktioniert akzelerierte Strahlentherapie (HART) mit Mitomycin C / 5-Fluorouracil versus Cisplatin / 5-Fluorouracil bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Kopf-Hals-Tumoren (HART trial head and neck tumors)
IRESSA combined radio-immune-therapy Gefitinib for head and neck tumours
EORTC 22981: Concomitant and adjuvant temozolamide and radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme
HIT 2000 (malign brain tumour trial)
Primary normo – and hyperfractionated chemoradiation for laryngeal cancer
Is prone positioning obsolete for radiotherapy of cervical cancer? A comparison of radiation exposure for OAR in prone and supine positioning using 3D conformal vs. intensity modulated Radiotherapy
Influence of prostate volume on dose exposure of the bladder in radiotherapy
Stereotactic Radiotherapy with Hycamtin (Topotecan) in recurrent primary brain tumors
Influence of the oxydative enhancement factor in radiotherapy (Bachelor work University of applied sciences Wiener Neustadt)
Published books and book contributions
Physiology for Medicine students volume I-III, Vienna University Publisher
Gastrointestinal Malignancies, Recent Advances in Photon Therapy and Possible Role of Ion Beam Therapy clinical white book of the EBG MedAustron Proton Beam Cancer Center 2012 for the Ministry of Health
Chapter „pain treatment with radiotherapy“, 2013 teaching book „anästhesiebuch.at“ (anaesthesia teaching book for medical doctors), 4th edition
For Appointments please send us an email
or call
Ziegelofengasse 41/14; 1050 Vienna, Austria
1.ordination: Practice Margareten
1050 Vienna, Ziegelofengasse 41/14
Consultation hours: Monday 15h – 20h
Tel. 0680/2026578
Under contact you will find information on how to get there and parking.
2nd surgery: Wiener Privatklinik Ordinationszentrum (barrier-free)
1090 Vienna, Lazarettgasse 25 Upper floor right
(opposite the Radiology Center registration desk)
Consultation hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 12h – 15h
phone: 0680/2026578
Email: appointment.dr.kuczer@gmail.com
To make an appointment, please call us (Mon – Fri 14h -18h) at the above telephone number. If we are not available immediately, please leave a message with your telephone number on the mobile box. We will call you back reliably.
Alternatively, you can also make an appointment by email.
Please bring all important findings and a list of your daily medication with you to the appointment.
In order to avoid cancellation costs, please inform us of any cancellations at least 2 working days before the appointment.
The surgery in Ziegelofengasse is partially barrier-free due to unalterable structural conditions. If you are unable to visit us, e.g. due to a physical disability, please make an appointment at the surgery in Lazarettgasse, as this is barrier-free.
In addition to my medical services, our group practice offers comprehensive specialist, therapeutic and psychological care for people with cancer.
On behalf of the doctors and therapists of the Margareten practice, I welcome you to our group practice!