Second Opinion Information

Second Opinion Information

Second Opinion Information

Our Oncology Center´s specialist can offer second opinions to international patients researching treatment options or wishing to reconfirm a cancer diagnosis.

Second opinions are best accomplished in person but can be done remotely through a review of medical records.

Your medical records must be in English or German and second opinions, either in-person or by review of medical records, require a fee.

Medical records can be sent to our adress or  via email.

After our first review of your medical records you will receive an email with a general overview on the informations we will provide you with together with a calculation on a fee note.

If you agree or have further questions, please send us a reply per email.

If you agree to the offer, please wire the fee to the announced account and we will then send you the requested second opinion within 5 business days after receiving.

Important Disclaimer Regarding Second Opinions

Wire instructions

Fee information

Please send your medical records to:



Oncology Center Vienna

c/o Dr. David Kuczer

Ziegelofengasse 41/14

1050 Vienna
